
goodbye winter, hello spring!

It's a beautiful day to not work! 69 degrees and sunny! I am definitely wearing shorts today as I run my errands - haircut, shoe repair and grocery shopping.


Rave - Jamba Juice is perfect for days like today. It's a bit humid, but there's nothing like a Citrus Squeeze or Mango-a-Go-Go after working out. I was planning on checking out a new lunch spot, but decided to use my lunch money on a refreshing Jamba Juice.

Rant (a.k.a Shake a fist!) #1 - I gave up on looking for my old Master combination lock. I've had it for years, and the combination was pretty much ingrained in my head. Actually it was more visuall ingrained. I could never remember the numbers, but it always came bckk to me easily once I was spinning the mechanism.

Rant (a.k.a Shake a fist!) #2 - Why is it so hard to find an Odwalla in NYC? I've been a little under the weather, and I can't find my usual fix of Odwalla C Monster anywhere!

Rave #2 (so I don't end on a rant) - I love shoe repair. I've had the same favorite pair of work shoes for almost five years, thanks to new heels and soles.

FYI - I had a lot of fun at the Nada Surf concert with my new friend Leslie. Leslie - sorry I made us get there so early! I didn't want to miss the opening band (Rogue Wave), but we ended up there for the openers for the openers.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to check out the wine auction at Christie's. I doubt I'll be bidding on any two-thousand-buck-Chuck.


Anonymous said...

they usually sell odwalla at whole foods.

Anonymous said...

thanks catherine. if only their lines weren't so damn long!

i can't believe you're leaving already next week!