
wash 'n fold

I used to make fun of all my friends who didn't wash their own clothes, but instead dropped it off and paid by the pound at exorbant prices. Oh, what fools they were, to throw money away and pay more than double the normal cost of laundry! All you had to do was bring a book with you to the laundromat and spend a relaxing few hours reading.

However, I am now a wash and fold convert. I started off using the laundry service once every four or five loads, but now I barely ever wash my own clothesd, Maybe it's because my building doesn't have a laundry machine, or there's just too many things I'd rather be doing, but it is well worth the extra $5-6 every other week to have the nice old ladies at the laundromat wash and fold my clothes for me. Who wants to spend a beautiful New York morning or afternoon sitting in a laundromat?

Other random thoughts:

- Word for Word Series at Bryant Park: Another cool summer NYC event I want to check out
- Shakespeare in the Park: I'm planning on checking out Macbeth on my day off (this Friday), although I hear the lines to get the free tickets can be horrendous.
- I need to get a new PC laptop for law school. I'll miss my Mac :(
- Topshop in NY?
- I miss yoga...


Anonymous said...

I'm SO excited that they're thinking of opening a Topshop in New York!!!!!!!!!!! More reason to visit!

appojax said...

hey mikwu...ever stand on your head during yoga? it once gave me a sensation not unlike smoking opium.

and by the way have you ever smoked opium?

mike said...

i have been on my head and hands, but never standing on just my head alone. i love those poses.

and no, i have never smoked opium or any other substance. the only thing i have ever smoked is fools on the basketball court. on same same note, i have also been smoked plenty of times as well.

appojax said...

speaking of getting smoked, when IS the 96/97 b-ball game ever going down again?