
she wrote her own

My good pal Shannon put her Pasadena High School valedectorian brain to use and created her own blog survey. As she is one of the more entertaining writers I know and a good friend from way back (even though she won't be attending our 10 year reunion!), I've decided to give her survey a shot. Plus I've been lax about posting lately, so this gives me an easy way to throw some personal info onto the web.

3 Things I'm Obsessed with Right Now
1. New York City
2. World of Warcraft
3. Knitting

3 Things I'm Obsessed with Permanently
1. The Internet
2. The Simpsons
3. Fantasy sports

3 Things I Believe are True, But Aren't
1. The Lakers are one player away from starting another dynasty run
2. Having water instead of soda makes up for the extra burger and fries
3. Magic the Gathering is cool

3 Things I Want People to Say About Me When I Die
1. What a funny guy
2. He was a great friend
3. Why didn't I buy him more gifts when he was alive?

3 Things I'm Good At (the conceited category)
1. Looking on the bright side
2. Talking about things I enjoy
3. Enjoying life

3 Things I'm Bad At (the low self-esteem category)
1. Typing
2. Controlling my diet
3. Whispering

3 Things That Baffle Me
1. People who can't seem to change
2. Combo meals that are more expensive than ordering the items individually
3. People who don't believe in global warming

3 TV Shows That Many Other People Watch, But I Don't
1. Pretty much everything but The Simpsons and The Office

3 Inventions for Which "I don't know how we lived without it" is Not Just a Saying
1. The Internet
2. Tivo (back when I had cable)
3. High speed Internet access

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