review - the london below
now that i haven't been surfing the web at home, i've picked up a couple of fantasy novels to kill my web-less evenings. sometimes i forget what my life was like before high-speed internet, but i used to be an avid reader. last night i finished neverwhere by neil gaiman. i've always been a big fan of his sandman series, and his other novel, american gods, blew me away. neverwhere was not bad, but it fell short of his previous work. maybe it's because the alternate reality theme is a bit played out, or that i just didn't identify with the main character, but i just wasn't impressed. hopefully the series i'm reading now, his dark materials will live up to expectations.
bonus review - call me a sissy but i have been enjoying gavin degraw's chariot. besides the title track, i recommend belief, crush, nice to meet you anyway and more than anyone.
1 comment:
[url= ]Необычные фото приколы [/url]
живу с мол.чел. люблю его,собираемся пожениться...НО в моих мыслях каждый день есть другой..тот в которого я с самого детства влюблена..у нас было пару лет назад роман,Но он бабник(( когда я его вижу меня жутко к нему тянет,(видемяс мы с ним некоторое количество раз в году,на д.р.общих друзей,туда я хожу без собственного ол.чел)...я часто о нем думаю..не знаю что мне делать...это ужасно...
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