
killing time

with work so slow this week, i had plenty of time to surf the web, only to discover that the sites i normally visit eat up only about 15 minutes when seriiously browsed (full attention, no work/games/tv/conversation going on). therefore, it was time to add some new sites to my web bookmarks.

here are the old staples:
gmail, my yahoo!, yahoo! sports/fantasy sports, nytimes, cnet, flickr, foodite, amazon

and the new sites added to the rotation:
gothamist, sfist, pop culture manifesto, tienmao, craigslist

looking back, i think the reason i can't surf as long is because i've phased out the old gaming sites that i could spend all day reading - star city games and magicthegathering.com. we'll see what happens if i get into world of warcraft...

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