
blogging decision

So, it's already week four of law school and I haven't been blogging as much as I would have liked.  The main reason for the lack of posts is probably my desire to write good posts (rather than short blurbs) coupled with my procrastination and inability to spend more than ten minutes writing a post.

Therefore, I will experiment with a new blogging method - namely treating it as a twitter/status update type of blog.  I'll try my best to really just post my random thoughts on a daily or more frequent basis.  This way, I hope to add more posts, but probably at the expense of the well-written posts you have come to enjoy once a year or so (maybe even longer.  probably even longer.).  <--  How do you treat periods within parentheses?  Should they never be in there?

1 comment:

Shannon said...

You put a period inside parentheses if the parentheses contain a whole sentence. And I've never heard of that waffle place, but it does look better than Roscoe's. Guess there aren't too many of us who can make that comparison, though.