Wow, I can't remember the last time I was this physically beat. It's definitely a great feeling, although it makes for me moving around and walking much slower than usual. It all started with the Define & Refine class at Holmes Place. I took one of these last year and got my butt thoroughly kicked, but I thought I'd try it again. Once more, I was reduced to using lower weights than most of the seventy-year-old women in the class. My body is just not built for stamina.
early weekend update
It's been a few days since my last post, so here's what I've been up to:
Woo hoo! T.G.I.W.! This has been a pretty solid week:
my back, my butt
I woke up this morning with some weird tightness in my upper thigh/butt. I have no clue how it happened, but it's definitely strained in some odd fashion. In addition to my ass pain, my back has also been hurting this whole semester due to carrying humongous law school books again. To alleviate my pain, I've been meaning to get a student massage, but it appears both student clinics in Chicago have raised their prices to nearly the cost of a non-student massage:
silver spoons
One of my dreams is to someday own my own arcade video machine. It always makes me think of Silver Spoons. I couldn't remember much of the show (until reading about it on Wikipedia), but I always did remember how awesome I thought they were for having real arcade games in their mansion. Maybe someday...
chicken and waffles
Last Friday, I went with some friends to Chicago's Home of Chicken and Waffles as a goodbye lunch for my good friend Nan who will be studying abroad in Spain this semester. The place was down in Bronzeville, which was a bit of a trip, but definitely worth it. I think all of us were surprised by how nice the interior was - nothing at all like the Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles I grew up with in Pasadena.
music genius
Genius, a new iTunes add-on is awesome! After iTunes 8.0 was released, I thought it was just another standard update that followed an iPod announcement. However, once I read a little more about Genius I decided to give it a shot. It takes a while to install, as it have to sync with the iTunes store, but now that I've got it all set up, it's made some fantastic playlists for me! This is especially helpful as I've got a ton of music given to me by friends and family that I've never even listened to.
blogging decision
So, it's already week four of law school and I haven't been blogging as much as I would have liked. The main reason for the lack of posts is probably my desire to write good posts (rather than short blurbs) coupled with my procrastination and inability to spend more than ten minutes writing a post.
t.g.i.f. (hopefully first of many)
It's going to be a nice semester, what with my four-day weekends. I'm sure they'll get busier as the semester progresses, but this week I seriously had nothing to do. In fact, if I wasn't volunteering at CIM today, I'd have no clue what to do today since I've already done my share of errands, exploring the city and playing video games on Thursday and Friday.

congrats pac-10!
:( vacation's over
Today marks the end of my last summer vacation and the first day of my last year of school ever. I know, that was probably a horribly written sentence, but I'm sad and depressed from having to go back to school again.